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READING: sight words

Thursday, September 22, 2016


TISA kinder's butterflies take flight at Taos Fall Arts
We challenge you to play "I spy," and get a prize from Jutka:
What's the word on the silver caterpillar's back?

TISA Facilities Meeting: Tuesday, September 27, 4pm
Your opinion is valued! Please respond to the poll questions if you haven't yet by Monday, Sept. 26.
The next Facilities Committee Meeting will be next Tuesday, September 27 at 4pm at the Manzaneres campus with childcare provided until 5:30. Please join/chime in if you can.
Here are the questions that the committee would like to poll parents about in regards to next year's campus:
1. If we can stay at Manzaneres another year and buy more time for funding and construction would you mind waiting a year to move onto the permanent campus?
2. If the Manzaneres campus is not an option, would you be willing to move to another location (if it exists) or would you want to move to the permanent campus on Toalne by Fall of 2017 instead, even if your student may be in portable classrooms? (see explanation below)
3. Would you like to move to the permanent campus on Toalne by Fall of 2017 no matter what the construction of the facilities?

Pizza day kick-off: Thursday, Sept 29 (Please remember to pack a snack, even if your child ordered pizza.)
Please note: to ease the pain of last-minute headaches, the pizza money in kindergarten will be due the week BEFORE.  I will do my best to post a monthly reminder for you. I recommend prepaying for a few months ahead (or for the whole year, if you can think/budget that far!) Kinder will be accepting pizza money ONLY in the designated envelope beginning the week before through TUESDAY morning. Believe me, this is in everyone's best interest! It will save teachers and children many a crocodile tear to follow the guidelines.

Check out our Butterfly Garden art at the Taos Fall Arts
Tracey (Timothy's mom) had a brilliant idea of making the children's artwork into cards. I would love any leads on that!

TISA kinder's collaborative pendulum art will be exhibited in Twirl's courtyard! What a feast for the eyes!
TISA middle school will be at  site #5 at the PASEO headed by Megan Bowers Avina, the magnificent TISA teacher.
Go here: https://paseoproject.org/map-of-installations/ and here https://paseoproject.org/portfolio/the-illuminator/
It's all on TISA's Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/Taos-Integrated-School-of-the-Arts-977221702303884/?fref=ts&ref=br_tf

SEPT 30: San Geronimo's: SAVE THE DATE! Sharing this celebration with our Pueblo friends, Gracen and Winterfox would be extraordinary. I look forward to getting together with you all at the Pueblo to celebrate. Stay tuned for details!

Fall Equinox with Abbigale Lyman reading Milo's cool books about space

Skywriting (letter and number formation)

Circle work with "red caps"

Writing workshop in action!

Math: Monster Squeeze number game

A perfect walk: off to the library

The steeper the better! Sunset Park

Playing with new World College friends from four continents. Changing the way we look at the globe one game at a time.

Monday: read a book from cover to cover to family/friend/stuffed animal/doll/dog (.....)
Tuesday (due Wednesday): bring a thing that has 2 or more letter "b"s in its name (e.g. bubble)

This week's homework "winner" for the longest word was Paris with  supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!=34 letters????!!!

Wednesday (due Thursday): Math book p. 6

Snack + Show-and-tell (Please encourage your child to remind me when it's their day!)
Monday: Gracen
Tuesday: Owen (Got the snack! Just bring your show-and-tell!)
Wednesday: Paris
The children love to have a small late afternoon snack to look forward to! Something to keep that learning momentum going! Thank you for your support with that!

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