Wow! We only have about 4 weeks of school left! We are finishing the alphabet this week with letter Qq.
Last week we had the opportunity to be initiated into spectacular, yummy science, thanks to Chris Pieper's on-site ice cream making with liquid nitrogen! That was one super-engaging experiment that satisfied all five senses! Thank you, Chris!
The children are excited about end-of-year field trips and the celebration of their kindergarten year with you. Field trip forms will be available to fill out this week. Please complete them at school or bring them back by this THURSDAY. (We can only take children on field trips that require transportation with a field trip form on file.) Our first full day field trip is Tuesday, May 2.
Report cards will be coming out during the last week of school. I will be setting up meetings with each of you to discuss first grade readiness.
As the end of the school year is approaching, we will be sending children's items home. Last Thursday slippers went home. Next, pillowcases will be coming home this week.
If you have a Growing Green fundraising order, you are still welcome to bring it in this Monday! Thank you for your contributions, and cheers for a healthier Earth!
This week's events:
Tuesday afternoon -- field trip to play at TWIRL (2-3pm)
Wednesday afternoon -- STUDENT OF THE MONTH celebration! This month's deserving kiddos are Miguel and Sebastian. Congratulations!
Thursday morning -- field trip to Kit Carson PARK (9-11:30am)
Please have your child work on LEXIA twice this week (20 minutes each).
Also, two sets of books are ready for you to pick up (vowels "e" and "u"). I encourage you to ask your children to dig up the books that they already mastered to bring back in exchange for the new material. That will allow other children to use the books as well!
May events:
May 2 (Tuesday) 8:30-3:30 -- End-of-year field trip: International Museum of Folk Art in Santa Fe (combined with first and second grade)
May 4 (Thursday) 3:45-4:45pm -- End of year celebration: on Manzanares campus
May 11 (Thursday) 8:30-2pm -- Hiking with Taos Field Institute (combined with second grade)
Because the field trips are combined, seating on the school bus will be limited. If you are interested in chaperoning, please plan on driving your vehicle. Thank you for your understanding.
May 4: End-of-year celebration!
Please sign up in class for party supplies, set-up, clean-up, camera-crew, and food!
Your child will need to wear specific colors for the show.
Here is the run-down:
RED blood cells can wear anything RED (boa, gloves, etc.).
WHITE blood cells wear BLACK-&-WHITE (white T-shirt and black pants/skirt/leggings) and BUBBLE WRAP.
GERMS ideally wear a mix of NEON colors.
IF YOU HAPPEN TO HAVE ANY OF THESE ITEMS TO SHARE, PLEASE BRING THEM IN THIS WEEK SO WE CAN COSTUME EVERY CHILD. Also, if you foresee no items turning up in your wardrobe matching your child's costume color, please let me know this week.
Have a fantastic week!
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