It was a Fantastic Read-a-thon in kinder last Thursday! Thank you everyone for participating. Read-a-thon pledge moneys are due on March 20 (please make checks out to TISA).
We have four more days until spring break! Let's make this week amazing for all!
MONDAY, March 6, 1pm: Girl Scouts Tea Party
WEDNESDAY, Marh 8. 10am: library visit
THURSDAY. March 9: 10:15-11:30 Playtime at Twirl
continuing with the alphabet: Kk
"tiny stories" and word families
measuring. counting by 5s, and combining numbers up to 10
Lexia -- please use the program to practice reading skills at home twice a week (20 minutes each). It would benefit your child to also use the software during spring break. If your child doesn't remember the password, just shoot me an email. (You might also need my email address:

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