HOOT! is the kindergarten newsletter I publish weekly on this blog. Please request a paper copy if you need one.
The fastest way to reach me is via text (779-1952) or email (jutka@tisataos.org).
all school supplies (please check the list on the kinder blog)
extra clothes (two sets, if you anticipate needing it)
an extra long sleeve shirt/top/sweatshirt to leave at school (in cubby)
office paperwork (please return the income form and the last page of the parent handbook)
Classroom set-up/repairs (this is our priority at the moment!)
Volunteers are needed with the following classroom functions:
Sign-up is on a monthly basis. Please see the sign-up sheet in class or email me with information (what function and which month) if you'd like to sign up.
Classroom set-up/repairs (this is our priority at the moment!)
Volunteers are needed with the following classroom functions:
Sign-up is on a monthly basis. Please see the sign-up sheet in class or email me with information (what function and which month) if you'd like to sign up.
Providing drinking water (bottles or fountain)
Doing laundry (placemats, smocks, and pillow cases)
Eco-friendly hand soap and table wipes
Prize box goodies (small size but not too small to swallow)
Playground work (Mr Greywolf filled the sandbox with 1,500 lbs of sand. The basketball backboard and net have been replaced.)
Chaperoning on field trips (field trip #1: to public library - Aug 30)
Chaperoning on field trips (field trip #1: to public library - Aug 30)
Classroom helpers (in-class activities -- starting Aug. 29))
P.E. (coaching outdoor gym activities) and clubs
Kinder PTA/Friends of TISA representatives
Drop-off and pick-up:
drop-off: 8:15-8:30 (early care: 8:00-8:15)
kinder starts at 8:30
tardy: 8:35
pick-up: 3:20-3:30
aftercare: 3:30-5:30
Food: To ensure that we all get the most out of our school day, we will not be serving sugary snacks in kindergarten this year (except for Miss Jutka's coffee). When packing snack and lunch for your child, please avoid sugary treats. (No cookies, cake, chocolate pudding, chocolate milk, doughnuts, chocolate covered almonds, candy, marshmallows, licorice sticks, etc. Fruit leather, dried fruit, jam, and flavored yogurt are fine.) If a sugary treat is packed, I will ask your child to save it for the end of the day and offer a different choice (granola bar or an apple) from our class snack provisions. The choice beverage is water.
So, what to do about that sweet temptation? Perhaps an enticing treat can be something for your child to have on the way home, awaiting in the car?
Clothing: Please bring a long-sleeve top/sweatshirt that your child can leave in their cubby for any unexpected weather chills.
Toys: Bringing toys to school is discouraged. Books are fine to bring (labeled with your child's name).
I hope you have a chance to explore our class blog (tisakinder16.blogspot.com) at least once a week (I usually post updates on weekends). I will be emailing you links to each student's individual electronic portfolio so that you can watch them grow and celebrate their learning at home this year.
Your child will be responsible for bringing in snack for the whole class one day each month. That will also be the day that they can bring a show-and-tell item. A snack/show-and-tell calendar will be sent home at the beginning of each month starting with the month of September. If your child's birthday falls in that month, their snack day will coincide with their birthday (or the closest day after). On their birthday, you may send in a sweet birthday snack AND a morning snack for the class.
Shared snack ideas:
Here are a few healthy snacks you may consider bringing: popcorn (ready to pop or already popped in the bag), pretzels, cheese sticks/cubes, crackers, bagels+cream cheese, granola+yogurt/Gogurt tubes, mini sandwiches, apple slices+nut butter, chips+salsa, rice cakes+spread, grapes/cut fruit.
If you are sending a snack that requires utensils/cups, please send them along as well. Also, please keep in mind that one adult will be serving snack to the whole class, so the snack must be ready to serve without any further preparation.
CONVERSATION SEEDS (= hints that may help you connect with your child and find out more about the wonderful days they have at school)
Did you meet a new friend at school? Do you know their name?
What do you do when Miss Jutka blows the whistle?
Do you know the names of the children who sit next to you in circle? at the table?
Do you know where to put your lunch box?
Were you able to open your food containers?
Do you know your teacher's names (Miss Jutka and Miss Laurie)?
Field Trip: to Taos Public Library -- Aug 30 (11am)
Each child will check out one book
needed by Aug. 29: child's library card (done by parent), chaperons (2 volunteers)

We had fun with our third and sixth grade reading buddies. Here are a few of our new friends.

Miss Laurie loved reading "I am 5!" to us.

Our raccoon friend, Chester (from The Kissing Hand) had come to our class to talk about making new friends and how learning happens at TISA. We all made an adorable character puppet from the story.

Drop-off and pick-up:
drop-off: 8:15-8:30 (early care: 8:00-8:15)
kinder starts at 8:30
tardy: 8:35
pick-up: 3:20-3:30
aftercare: 3:30-5:30
Food: To ensure that we all get the most out of our school day, we will not be serving sugary snacks in kindergarten this year (except for Miss Jutka's coffee). When packing snack and lunch for your child, please avoid sugary treats. (No cookies, cake, chocolate pudding, chocolate milk, doughnuts, chocolate covered almonds, candy, marshmallows, licorice sticks, etc. Fruit leather, dried fruit, jam, and flavored yogurt are fine.) If a sugary treat is packed, I will ask your child to save it for the end of the day and offer a different choice (granola bar or an apple) from our class snack provisions. The choice beverage is water.
So, what to do about that sweet temptation? Perhaps an enticing treat can be something for your child to have on the way home, awaiting in the car?
Clothing: Please bring a long-sleeve top/sweatshirt that your child can leave in their cubby for any unexpected weather chills.
Toys: Bringing toys to school is discouraged. Books are fine to bring (labeled with your child's name).
I hope you have a chance to explore our class blog (tisakinder16.blogspot.com) at least once a week (I usually post updates on weekends). I will be emailing you links to each student's individual electronic portfolio so that you can watch them grow and celebrate their learning at home this year.
Your child will be responsible for bringing in snack for the whole class one day each month. That will also be the day that they can bring a show-and-tell item. A snack/show-and-tell calendar will be sent home at the beginning of each month starting with the month of September. If your child's birthday falls in that month, their snack day will coincide with their birthday (or the closest day after). On their birthday, you may send in a sweet birthday snack AND a morning snack for the class.
Shared snack ideas:
Here are a few healthy snacks you may consider bringing: popcorn (ready to pop or already popped in the bag), pretzels, cheese sticks/cubes, crackers, bagels+cream cheese, granola+yogurt/Gogurt tubes, mini sandwiches, apple slices+nut butter, chips+salsa, rice cakes+spread, grapes/cut fruit.
If you are sending a snack that requires utensils/cups, please send them along as well. Also, please keep in mind that one adult will be serving snack to the whole class, so the snack must be ready to serve without any further preparation.
CONVERSATION SEEDS (= hints that may help you connect with your child and find out more about the wonderful days they have at school)
Did you meet a new friend at school? Do you know their name?
What do you do when Miss Jutka blows the whistle?
Do you know the names of the children who sit next to you in circle? at the table?
Do you know where to put your lunch box?
Were you able to open your food containers?
Do you know your teacher's names (Miss Jutka and Miss Laurie)?
Please read 20 minutes with family every day/evening.
Practice: opening/closing lunch containers, water bottles, putting on/taking off shoes, counting up (I would love to know how far you can count up without help from your family!)
Homework by the day (usually there won't be homework for the weekend)
do on Monday, due on Tuesday: Draw/paint/collage a family photo (would love to meet your pets too!)
do on Tuesday, due on Wednesday: bring/make an object that has mostly straight shape/lines
do on Wednesday, due on Thursday: bring/make an object that has mostly curvy shape/lines
Practice: opening/closing lunch containers, water bottles, putting on/taking off shoes, counting up (I would love to know how far you can count up without help from your family!)
Homework by the day (usually there won't be homework for the weekend)
do on Monday, due on Tuesday: Draw/paint/collage a family photo (would love to meet your pets too!)
do on Tuesday, due on Wednesday: bring/make an object that has mostly straight shape/lines
do on Wednesday, due on Thursday: bring/make an object that has mostly curvy shape/lines
Field Trip: to Taos Public Library -- Aug 30 (11am)
Each child will check out one book
needed by Aug. 29: child's library card (done by parent), chaperons (2 volunteers)
We got crowned, waved our wands, and made our royal wishes for the year.
We had fun with our third and sixth grade reading buddies. Here are a few of our new friends.
Miss Laurie loved reading "I am 5!" to us.
Our raccoon friend, Chester (from The Kissing Hand) had come to our class to talk about making new friends and how learning happens at TISA. We all made an adorable character puppet from the story.
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