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READING: sight words

Friday, February 24, 2017

Kinder Night: March 2 at Arroyos Elementary -- PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD!

Each year Taos kindergarten teachers gather to inform parents of preschoolers about their programs in selected schools. This year Arroyos del Norte Elementary will be hosting the kindergarten "fair" on March 2.
I would be so grateful if you could spread the word about the event to friends and families with four year old kiddos.

Please feel free to share:
How the arts impact your child's learning and engagement at school.
TISA KINDER's blog link: http://tisakinder16.blogspot.com/
TISA's FACEBOOK PAGE: TISA (Taos Integrated School of the Arts)
My email: jutka@tisataos.org
TISA's contact: 758-7755
Parents are welcome to schedule class visits for March.

Let's get the enrollment rolling for next year's kinder class!

Thank you!


Sunday, February 19, 2017

Hoot 27: TISA's Annual Read-a-thon

for the annual TISA Read-a-Thon!!!

We need as many parents/grandparents/friends as possible to join us on THURSDAY, March 2nd from 9:00 – 12:00 p.m. to read with students!!! If you cannot make it yourself, please consider sending a grandparent or a friend to read with your child for this very fun morning! (The goal is for every child to have one adult to read with).
We are raising money for our end-of-year field trip (either to the Museum of International Folk Art or to Ghost Ranch) and hoping that every student will raise $25 at our Read-a-Thon so that we can achieve our goal. Please help your child find sponsors for the Read-a-thon.
The day of the Read-a-Thon is a pajama day! Kids can come to school in PJs and wear them all day. They can also bring a class snack (muffins, fruit, popcorn, smoothie, tea), a stuffed animal, a pillow, and of course,
Attached is our Read-A-Thon Donation Sheet.
Please fill it out and bring it back by Tuesday, February 28.
As always, thank you for supporting TISA kiddos!

 Name _____________________
We are excited to announce that TISA is celebrating reading
and raising money for class field trips with a school-wide Read-A-Thon
on MARCH 2, the day of Dr. Seuss’s birthday!
Please help your child find sponsors to donate money
for every book she or he reads at the Read-a-Thon!
The Read-a-Thon will take place on THURSDAY, MARCH 2nd from 9am to noon.  Pajamas, pillows, stuffed animals, and snacks to share will be welcome!  Children should bring in a bunch of their favorite books and beginning readers from home to read. (Pre-readers will have the choice of reading to, or being read to by family or an older student.)

Please check off your choice:
 My child will be reading with _________________(person/s) from _______to _______ (time).  
 My child will need a volunteer to read with from _________ to _________(time).
Name / Business
How much will you donate per book

Please fill it out and bring this form back by Tuesday, February 28.
Thank you for supporting TISA kiddos!


TISA Read-a-Thon 2017
       Recording Sheet       

Books Read by you _____________ and your partner____________
                                 (name)                                         (name)

Hoot 26

February has been an eventful month!

We've had the "best day ever" yet last week on Valentine's Day. How sweet! Thank you for sending all those yummy AND healthy ingredients for our lovely pink smoothie!

Parent conferences were held on February 10th. If you haven't had a chance to visit with me about your child's progress, please sign up.

The girl scouts didn't make it on Monday (due to the snow/sleet that day). We will reschedule the Girl Scouts Tea Party. In the meantime, I pulled out my electric tea kettle. If your child enjoys tea, please send a few herbal tea bags, honey, and a ceramic mug, so we can sip away!

We worked on the letter V (for Valentine) last week and the word families with the vowel "i."
If you wish to practice or print out a set of phonics readers yourself, here is the information:
Measured Mom Phonics Readers: http://www.themeasuredmom.com/free-phonics-books/

The new sight words are HAVE and HAS.

This week we will be focusing on letter W.
The sight words will be WAS and WERE.

In math we will be working on combining (composing/decomposing) numbers up to 10.

This week's events:
Monday-Tuesday: pizza orders are due
Wednesday: walking field trip to the Fechin House. I plan to leave by 10 and we will be back by 1:30. If the warm weather prevails, we will be having a picnic lunch and lunch recess in the park.
Thursday: PIZZA day

Upcoming events:
February 28: students of the month assembly on Manzanares campus at 2pm. Recipients will be announced this week.
March 2: TISA's Annual Read-a-thon (please see Hoot 27 for details) on Dr Seuss's birthday

I am not creating a snack calendar for the upcoming weeks because we have been fortunate to receive snack donations from the Shared Table. A huge "thank you" to Megan Avina for coordinating this!

There is a staff change in kindergarten. Miss Rosalie will be taking Miss Laurie's place. Please help your child with this transition and welcome Miss Rosalie to our sweet community. Thank you for your understanding.

Additional needs:
headphones, crayola markers, twister crayons, and new goodies for our treasure chest.

I am ever so thankful for your dedication and support to our school and class!

Sunday, February 5, 2017


Kinder's happy books -- inspired by Agnes Martin's "happy room" at the Harwood Museum.

This week's focus:
Reading: i I
"i" will be our third vowel, following a and o. Children will be reading passages, beginning readers and word families that focus on the sound "i" makes in igloo.
We'll be composing and decomposing numbers within 10.

Calendar work:
The homework assignment this week is to please help your child create his/her weekly calendar with any after-school activities or family events listed (e.g. gym, hockey, music lessons, gma's birthday party, trip to Albuquerque, etc.). The goal is to use this information to deepen our sense of time and calendar studies by creating icons for activities on the February calendar.

Upcoming events:
Wednesday: Taos Public Library field trip (please send library cards)
Friday: parent-teacher conferences. I sent out an email to notify you all last week. Please sign up at sign up genius here .
I look forward to seeing you at the parent conference this week!