TISA kinder, first, second and third grades had an exciting MLK day bird feeders and toys for Stray Hearts. Thank you so much for your contributions!
Sunday, January 22, 2017
TISA's service day in honor of MLK
TISA kinder, first, second and third grades had an exciting MLK day bird feeders and toys for Stray Hearts. Thank you so much for your contributions!
Hoot 22
It was fun to bring the traditional Ukrainian folk tale of the mitten to life!
Dear Families,
We are in full swing after winter break!
Please make sure that your child arrives to school fully dressed for the fun of winter! Everyone needs a jacket that zips, boots, mittens/gloves and a hat. Also, please make time for breakfast! We have snack scheduled at 10am. Last week that was a long stretch for some of the kiddos.
Drop-off time: please remember that TISA is not in session before 8:00am. Staff is not able to offer care and responsibility for children before school opens. Please do not drop off before 8:00am.
The children really appreciate the class snacks you send in. Thank you for contributing to our learning and well-being this way.
This week in a nutshell:
Reading: Hh -- sight words: it/It, in/In, is/Is, I, if/If -- basal readers: focus on "o"
Math: 3D shapes, skip counting by 5, writing numbers 10-20
This week's events:
Tuesday: 2pm Manzanares campus playground: Student of the Month Assembly
Three cheers for kinder's students of the month: Tiana and Winterfox.
Wednesday: 10-12:30 Field trip to Fechin House/Museum -- chaperons welcome!
Thursday: pizza day (For Gracen, Paris, Sebastian, and Winterfox, please check the form down below and drop off last minute moneys by Tuesday morning)
I will be having professional development in Santa Fe on Thursday. Miss Sarah will be stepping in to lead the class that day.
Please read with your child every night. Reading logs and reading response forms are available in class.
Spy for different 3D shapes out and about. Here is the list: sphere, cone, pyramid, prism, cylinder.
Bring one (or more!) object/s to class that are shaped like one of the 3D shapes (e.g. a tea box for a prism) by Wednesday.
Moving sight words! Practice with bean bags
What individual shapes make up a 3D shape?
Thank you for restocking our prize box!
Sunday, January 15, 2017
Hoot 21
We are happy to welcome Aidyn, our new student to kinder. We are very sad to be soon saying good-bye to Winterfox and Milo. We will miss them dearly.
On Monday we will be having a service day in honor of Martin Luther King. Students will be rotating from class to class in the afternoon creating contributions for Stray Hearts Animal Shelter.
We will be working on a mural, cat toy, pom poms, kongs, and bird feeders for our campus.
Please send the following donations for the project.
On Tuesday we will be going to the library at 10:15.
Pizza money is due next week. Please drop it by any time this coming week in a self-labeled envelope.
On Wednesday, Jan. 25 we will be going on a walking field trip to the Fechin House. Please let me know if you are interested in joining us.
We are working on blending letters/sounds into words! It's exciting! The children who are able to read the red books (the word families with the letter "a" e.g. -ap, -am, -at, -an, -ack) will be moving on to reading the green books (word families with the letter "o" e.g. -ot, -op, -og, etc.)
If you wish to practice or print out a set at home for your child, here is the information:
Measured Mom Phonics Readers: http://www.themeasuredmom.com/free-phonics-books/
In math we are working on building numbers with manipulatives. A few of the children are able to build three-digit numbers now. That is an impressive skill! Every child should be mastering counting to 100 by 1s and 10s by now.
We also worked on 2-dimensional shapes and will be starting with 3d shapes next week.
The children should all be familiar with the following shapes: circle, oval/ellipse, triangle, rectangle, rhombus, diamond, square, hexagon.
The children are getting more and more in tune with the calendar. Please check out your child's work. This is also a perfect time of year to mark important events/holidays/birthdays and celebrations at home with your child's help.
Parent-teacher conferences will be on February 10. I will have electronic and personal sign-up options for you as the day approaches.
Remember, there is school on Monday!
See you then.
Sunday, January 8, 2017
Hoot 20 - Happy New Year!
Welcome back to school!
The children all seemed to be energized and eager to start a new chapter of learning in the New Year last week.
We worked on the letter Nn, reading leveled readers (focusing on n and a), counting by 10s. composing/decomposing numbers past 100, the twelve months, two-dimensional shapes, and celebrating the New Year.
Please check out your child's electronic portfolio to see updated work.
This coming week we will be preparing for Martin Luther King's day. TISA will be in session that day. We will be having service learning helping out in the community.
January events:
January 16: MLK service learning day -- please let me know if you'd like to volunteer that day
January 17 (10am): field trip to library
January 19: pizza money due
January 26: pizza day
Every child took home word family readers during the last week of December. Please have your child practice reading the books 10 minutes each day. When the contents become predictable, you may want to cut up the books and create flash cards using the pages. It is tremendously helpful to have home support with reading at home. We are moving on to vowels "o" and "i" soon.
Please make sure that your child has these items at school:
- winter gear every day
- extra set of clothing (labeled in bag)
- slippers
- new sketch book if needed (a few prolific children could use a new sketch book)
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