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READING: sight words

Monday, November 14, 2016


Time to celebrate!

Smart reader in action!

Way to go! Students of the month

Thank you for attending parent teacher conferences! We have an awesome group of kindergartners. Thank you for your support through the first trimester!

We are continuing with our learning. Thankfulness and gratitude will be a focus now. This week we are also completing work with letter "Rr" and moving on to letter "Oo," (as in octopus). As children complete their work with the Room on the Broom theme, they will be earning their badges (using reading, writing and math activities that stem from the story/animation).

This week's events:

Tuesday am: pizza money due!  Pizza is this Thursday (Nov 17) 
Tuesday:  fundraising: Equal Exchange order forms and payments are due to your teacher or office 
Tuesday: 10:00am - 11:30 walking field trip to Children's Library. Please pack library cards and library books. This will be the last time we check out books for children with no library cards. 

Wednesday: 8:30 singing with Tiana's great grandma
Wednesday is also movie night! Nov 16, 6pm: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone at Taos Mesa Brewing (Please see details in emails from the office.)

Thursday, leaving at 9:45: Light, Color and Shadow play at Twirl 2

National Dance Institute program starting after Thanksgiving break. Please look up the amazing work they do at  https://www.ndi-nm.org/  This year's theme will be BOOKS and STORIES. Please note that each child will need their parent consent form filled out to participate. The form and the schedule are attached to this newsletter. Please read the information carefully and note that the time of the community performance is Thursday EVENING, Dec. 8. 
Also, please let me know if you are interested in participating in the parent-teacher dance (information is listed on the schedule). There's nothing like being up on stage!

There is no school next week! Happy Thanksgiving!

Image result for rumi gratefulness quote

Saturday, November 5, 2016


Ligth Play at Twirl with Kendra

Kinder Halloween

Halloween bingo

"Caps for Sale" --  surprise story-time with Scott

Halloween candy graphing

Halloween candy wrapper bingo

Number comparison freeze dance

Twirl session: light, color and shadow play

We are having our first parent-teacher conferences on Thursday, Nov. 10 next week. There is NO school on that day. Please sign up for a conference in class or online at SignUpGenius.

I find that the upcoming parent-teacher conference is the one that often has the potential to make the most difference during the kindergarten year, for the following reasons:
  • I got to know your child well enough to have an informed and meaningful conversation.
  • There is time to make a difference and implement a plan if needed before first grade.
I put the following pointers and information together for you to consider before your conference so that we can all reap the most benefits that will make a difference for your child. Please read it carefully so you can prepare over the weekend.
  • Please make an effort to come on time and be prepared to leave on time (there is a 30 minute slot for each student). It makes it hard on others if there’s a backup. If you can’t remember your appointment, feel free to get in touch with me or the office about it. If, for some unfortunate reason, you can’t make it to the conference at all, please let me know as soon as you can.
  • You might bring the checklist that I handed out during Kinder Open House and share your comments.
  • Ask your child how things are going at school (e.g.Who are her best friends? What would he like you to ask or tell the teacher? What does she like best about school? What does he most enjoy doing? What is she good at? Is there anything at school that he's struggling with? If she could change anything about school or his friends, what would it be?)
  • Jot down your own questions and remarks if you can think of any, and bring them to the conference. E.g. How does TISA serve your needs? Can you think of one thing that works for your child this year? Can you think of one thing that could use improvement? How is homework working for your family?
  • Think about sharing relevant information about your home life (What does your child like to help with at home? What does she enjoy doing most? What are his/her/your challenges at home? Are there any recent changes in your family that might be affecting her/him? Is there anything you could use help with in your home life?)
I am here to serve your child and I look forward to having a fruitful conversation with you.

Please continue with the reading log and complete one book report this week.
Math homework: math book p. 12